Macro Photography – Flora and Fauna

If there was any type of photography that has surprised me by the extra skill and patience it takes to complete, it is macro photography.  I have learned that with the correct settings, proper equipment, and patience, you can create a beautiful macro image.  So what exactly does it take to make that image – lets talk about settings.

For these macro photos, I focused on flora and fauna subjects.  These were subjects that are interesting to see in a new light.  With a 21mm macro extension tube for my 28-135mm lens, I had to make sure to get the right settings to complete the macro look. With settings of a tight aperture (I was usually around an F/11 – F/13), a high ISO of around 800 – 1250, and a fast shutter speed of 1/250, I found that I could achieve a macro photo of flora and fauna that I had wanted. Isn’t it fun to look at these things in a new light?

Elsa Jensen-Spiderweb Macro-Flora&Fauna

Spiderweb Macro

Elsa Jensen-White Pumpkin-Flora&Fauna

White Pumpkins in Fall

Elsa Jensen-Fruits-Flora&Fauna

Fresh Fruits

Elsa Jensen-White Daisy-Flora&Fauna

Morning Dew on a White Daisy

Elsa Jensen-Withered Dandelion-Flora&Fauna

A withered and wet dandelion

Elsa Jensen-Withered Dandelion-Flora&Fauna

A withered and wet dandelion

Elsa Jensen-White Pods-Flora&Fauna

White Pods in Nature

Elsa Jensen-Nightlock Berries - Macro-Flora&Fauna

Nightlock Berries

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